Who we are

Andrew Bowler

My name is Andrew Bowler. I have a degree in Animal Science and Agricultural business from Colorado State. I had my first goat at the county fair when I was nine years old. I have been in agriculture since I was six years old. I spent 11 summers commercial fishing in Alaska. In 2019, while I was living in Colorado working for a mid-sized pig and chicken farm, my mother was diagnosed with stage four cancer. I packed up all my belongings (including my 200lb pot-bellied pig) and drove straight to my family home in the bay area. In the following years I found my way to Pescadero, California where I worked for a small goat dairy. Through a fortuitous turn of events I was introduced to Lani Malmberg and her son Donny Benz of Goat Green LLC and the Goatapelli fund while they were working at a neighboring property with their herd of 850 Spanish Cashmere goats. At the time, I was a year into managing a small beef herd. Inspired by grassland and soil pioneers such as Jim Gerrish and Gabe Brown, I spent most of my time monitoring the effects of intensive cattle grazing on lush riparian pastures. I quickly came to realize that what I was doing on 20 acres with 10 Cows, I could do on thousands of acres across the west with hundreds of goats. I bought a dog (Juneau) and took 35 retired dairy goats out on their first job. The rest is history.

Brittany Messinger

My name is Brittany Messinger, and I never thought I would be a goat farmer. After graduating from Colorado State University with a degree in land management, with a heavy focus on wildlife pathology and climate ecology, I decided to move to California to work with State Parks. After awhile, I felt called to begin a career in equine training. I spent 6 years training professional jumpers, assisting in colt starting, and living life in top show barns. I came across Harley Farms Goat Dairy in Pescadero during a pivotal time- I simply wanted a little break from the horse world, but ended up with a whole new career in dairy farming. After meeting Andrew and working alongside him on goat grazing jobs, we decided to start our own herd and pursue goat grazing full-time. It’s been a wild ride, but I trust full-heartedly in the plan the universe has for me and cannot wait to see what happens next!

Grazing services